citizenAID Welcomes International Ambassadors
citizenAID is delighted to welcome three new international ambassadors who will respresent the charity in Spain.
Josep Lopez, Valentin Gonzalez and Esther Gurjon will assist the charity as it aims to develop its mission within the country and across Europe in the coming months.
Peter Joyce, commented: "It's a pleasure to welcome Josep, Valentin and Esther to the citizenAID family. We're delighted to welcome ambassadors from overseas and look forward to working with them going forward."
Josep, who recently joined Peter at the SEMES Conference in Madrid last month, is a member of the Guàrdia Urbana, the municipal police force for the city of Barcelona. As part of his work, he trains for a variety of situations, including deliberate attacks.
The Guàrdia Urbana continuously train with and without firearms in a range of real-world situations to prepare officers to save lives.
This video demonstrates the important practice undertaken by officers including Josep.
Begoña Alday, Inspector, Guàrdia Urbana added: "For the police, it's important to be always prepared. It's not a day job but continuous training. We come here to the shooting galleries to practice with the tools we have. They can be firearms and they can not be. They can be another type of knowledge or skills that help us save lives.
"The police are the first ones to give the best answer since we are the first to arrive. We also want to be the best in giving the answers to citizens in the different situations. The shooting practices are adapted to the real needs of the police and citizens at all times."