Royal College President supports citizenAID initiative
The President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Mr Michael Lavelle-Jones said on the day of the launch of citizenAID:

“As a College dedicated to delivering high standards of patient safety, we welcome the launch of citizenAID today. In the aftermath of any event leading to casualties, the general public will inevitably be first at the scene. The application of knowledge and simple skills in the critical period after the injury can make the difference between life and death.
“The citizenAID initiative, which informs the public on the appropriate course of action under these circumstances, gets the full support of this College.”
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is host to the Faculty of Pre-hospital Care, which sets national standards for pre-hospital immediate care education and practice. The Chairman of the Faculty, Professor David Lockey, said:
“We are very supportive of the concept and aims of citizenAID.”