citizenAID launched during National Counter Terrorism Awareness Week

The development of citizenAID has been undertaken in close collaboration with the emergency services and across government agencies in order to ensure that guidance is complementary to existing operating procedures. citizenAID has been launched during the 2016 ‘National Counter Terrorism Awareness Week’ and complements the police’s public safety message from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO).
The Head of NaCTSO, Chief Inspector Richard Harding, said on the day of the launch:
“citizenAID complements our ongoing work to advise the public on how to maximise their chances of surviving a terrorist attack.
“Experience tells us that when people are provided with straightforward information on how to plan, prepare and react to an incident, it results in more effective decision making and improves the likelihood of positive outcomes should the worst happen.
“This is why, following the attacks in Paris 12 months ago, we published our Run, Hide, Tell message, which is available online.
“By providing guidance on how to manage traumatic injuries, citizenAID will take this to the next stage—helping people to help themselves and others, save lives and ultimately thwart the aims of the terrorists.”