New standards will save lives
New standards will save lives
St John Ambulance, citizenAID and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office launch Public Access Trauma (PAcT) First Aid Kits

New standards for first aid provision which aim to increase survivability following stabbings, terror attacks and other serious incidents, are being unveiled today.
Created by experts in medicine, first aid and counter terrorism, the standards urge businesses and organisations to consider installing Public Access Trauma (PAcT) First Aid Kits in key locations and venues.
The content of the kits is outlined within the new standards, and includes military-grade wound dressings, tourniquets and other vital components, as well as clear written and visual instructions about how to use them.
They are designed to save lives by being kept in public places, such as arenas, football stadiums and railway stations.
St John Ambulance’s Medical Director, Dr Lynn Thomas said: “The launch of these standards is an important step forward on a path towards saving more lives.
“Whilst they are not mandatory, the long-term aim is for PAcT First Aid kits to become as commonplace and widely accepted as public access defibrillators.”
The work is part of an ongoing partnership between St John Ambulance and citizenAID, working alongside colleagues from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO).
A PAcT First Aid Kit should contain the following items (as a minimum) in a clearly marked green box or bag:
Personal Protective Equipment (two sets of PPE, made up of disposable gloves [x 4 pairs], disposable glasses, disposable face mask)
Tuff cut scissors x 2
Large trauma wound dressing x 4
Woven triangular bandage x 2
Tourniquet x 2
CPR face shield x 2
Indelible marker pen x 2
PAcT First Aid Kit aide memoire (expert guidance – including text and imagery – from St John Ambulance and citizenAID) which is being made freely available online. A picture of which is shown below.

citizenAID's chairman, Andrew Thurgood said: “The launch of PAcT Kits adds another important layer of resilience to the public who may need to act swiftly to save a life before the 999 services arrive.
“Through its free app, citizenAID has promoted a suite of simple life saving actions to stop bleeding and by having access to PAcT Kits means that the public’s capability to respond effectively to these situations is further enhanced. We are so pleased to have worked collaboratively with multiple partners to achieve this landmark position, PAcT Kits will undoubtedly save lives.”
UK Government Departments and agencies, devolved administrations, the police, NHS, other medical organisations – including The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh’s Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care – and charities have been involved in the development and approval of the new standards, which are the first of their kind in this country.
Alongside the PAcT kits, NaCTSO has today released new guidance for businesses about the importance of first aid preparedness in the event of a terror attack.
It encourages organisations to consider what their role may be, as well as highlighting what they can do to empower the public to administer first aid immediately after an incident.
National Co-ordinator for Protect and Prepare at Counter Terrorism Policing, Detective Chief Superintendent Michael Orchard, said: “It is vital that we raise awareness of how simple first aid, with appropriate equipment, can improve a person’s chances of survival in a whole range of scenarios.
“It is hoped that the new standards for PAcT First Aid Kits will assist when people suffer the most serious of injuries.
“This is particularly relevant in the event of a live or ongoing terrorist incident, when first aid may need to be administered by the public until first responders are able to reach any casualties.”