citizenAID - our international activity
citizenAID functions as a medical charity deeply rooted in humanitarian principles, which include the fundamental values of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence. If humanitarian organisations or individuals wish to utilise our equipment for their humanitarian missions, there are no ethical concerns.
citizenAID supplies equipment to support those engaged in fundraising for global medical assistance, this helps to fund our charitable activity.
citizenAID offers solutions that enable the public to save lives by prioritising patient treatment solely on medical requirements, without regard to ethnicity, religion, or political affiliations.
citizenAID maintains a steadfast position of impartiality, refraining from aligning with any party involved in conflicts. To further this objective, we also offer educational resources free of charge.
citizenAID is fully committed to complying with all economic and trade embargoes and sanctions imposed by the UK Government. However, in cases where specific derogations exist to allow for genuine humanitarian aid, citizenAID will respond responsibly, in collaboration with other third-sector providers.
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