citizenAID is a company limited by guarantee (CIO) in England (No 10315303) and a charity, registered in England & Wales (No 1176033).

citizenAID produce an instructional video to demonstrate how to stop bleeding by improvising with everyday objects.
18th March 2022: citizenAID launches an instructional video to demonstrate how to stop bleeding by using everyday objects. Those members of the public caught up in the conflict are unlikely to have medical equipment so it is important that the skills of improvisation are taught, these skills will save lives. The instructions have been translated into Ukrainian.
See the video here
citizenAID and St John Ambulance
Send Lifesaving Equipment To Conflict Zone

4 March 2022: St John Ambulance and citizenAID is today sending lifesaving equipment into Ukraine and issuing new first aid advice for serious injuries, as conflict escalates in the country.
St John Ambulance's a health and first aid charity, is shipping 12,000 tourniquets used to stem blood loss in limb injuries, along with additional medical supplies, with more to follow where possible.
In addition, the charity’s medical and training experts have created online resources, how-to guides translated into Ukrainian and Russian, showing how to deal with injuries such as gunshot wounds, burns and broken bones, that can be shared via social media.
citizenAID's chairman, Andy Thurgood said:
"The partnership with St John Ambulance is really having a positive impact upon the charity's ability to respond to the awful situation developing in the Ukraine. Like everyone else, we have watched with horror the destruction of towns and cities resulting in many lives being lost on both sides of the conflict. We are hopeful that the St John Ambulance equipment [and associated training support] will make a difference, resulting in lives being saved.
In addition to supporting St John with this endeavour, citizenAID have been working with Ukrainian and Russian speaking medical colleagues who are also co-ordinating their own efforts to support the conflict zone with medical aid. The medical community across UK is stepping up"
St John’s chief executive officer, Martin Houghton-Brown, said:
“Our response to this humanitarian crisis uses our longstanding expertise in saving lives through first aid to provide vital support for people within Ukraine. While St John does not have a branch in either Ukraine or Russia, St John Ambulance has volunteers and employees in England who come from those countries, or who have family members and other loved ones affected by this conflict. Together, we have been moved by news reports and first-hand accounts from the region and we are determined to support where we can. As part of St John International, we also recognise the efforts of our sister organisations The Johanniter and The Order of Malta in providing vital help on the ground in Ukraine. In addition to practical support through sharing knowledge and sending vital equipment that could save lives in Ukraine, we continue to send our thoughts, prayers and support to everyone affected by this terrible conflict.”
St John Ambulance’s new first aid training and advice assets that can be shared online and via social media channels are available here.
The first equipment being sent to Ukraine by St John today includes Tourni-KEY – an innovative device that turns a strip of clothing into an improvised tourniquet, as designed by the clinical team at citizenAID – along with additional medical supplies.
Below is the dual translated version of instructions on how to use the Tourni-KEY.
Click here to download a PDF copy of the instructions.
citizenAID would like to thank Mr Jaroszlav Roszpopa MD, PhD, MRCS(Eng) for his support with this translation.
Secretary General thanks citizenAID and St John Ambulance

A message received from the Secretary General, St John International.
The situation in Ukraine continues to appal and horrify us. None of us expected war to erupt on the European continent, threatening everything we hold dear. Unprecedented developments call for innovative and brave action, which brings risks.
The response you have put together in St John England responds to immediate needs in the best traditions of our Order. Thank you for everything you have done, and please let us know if there is more we can do to support you.
Susan le Jeune d’Allegeershecque (she/her/hers)
Secretary General,
St John International