citizenAID is a company limited by guarantee (CIO) in England (No 10315303) and a charity, registered in England & Wales (No 1176033).
Our Conference
0915 - 0945 - Registration & Coffee
0945 - 0955 - Welcome: Brigadier Tim Hodgetts
0955 - 1015 - The Team Response from Police, Fire and Ambulance (Panel discussion)
Fire Service Speaker
Steve Harris is senior fire officer [Operations Commander] with West Midlands Fire Service. He is the head of organisational learning and also a 'Flexi Duty' officer. He has worked for WMFS for 26 years in various roles. Steve has a passion for identifying and helping nullify workplace trauma with regard traumatic incidents as well work based learning. Steve is a B'ham lad born and bred, married for 25 years to Sue with a 19 year old son Joe. Steve looks forward to your questions and thoughts during the conference. Steve will discuss the initial response of the Fire Service to an incident.
Police Speaker
- To be updated
Ambulance Service Speaker
Jon Harvey is an Emergency Care Practitioner (Paramedic) whose day job is as a Hazardous Area Response Team Paramedic with an large NHS Trust. This role brings extensive training in major incident management, trauma training and specialist equipment use. Frequently working with other emergency and security agencies Jon will discuss the initial response of the Ambulance Service to an incident.
1015 - 1035 - The Threat in Context - Dr David Lowe, Academic Counter Terrorism.
Dr David Lowe, an experienced researcher and expert in terrorism and security, Dr Lowe works with the Home Office’s Prevent team on the development of strategy and is an ambassador for citizenAID - a charity that aims to empower members of the public to save lives after a serious event. After starting his career at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Dr Lowe worked as a police officer at Merseyside Police for 27 years before studying and teaching at Liverpool John Moores University. He has also worked with the Home Office’s Counter Extremism unit and the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism unit. Last year, he launched his own consultancy company, providing support and advice on terrorism-related subjects to a variety of clients including The Great Northern Impact Hub and Liverpool World Centre Innovation Labs. Regularly featured in national and international media, Dr Lowe recently published his fourth book, Terrorism and Security: Law and Policy - a comparative study of law and policy, primarily between the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and the European Union.
1035 - 1055 - Improving survival from injury: the military experience - Lt Col Ross Moy
Lt Col Moy is a Consultant in Emergency and Pre-Hospital Medicine in the British Army. Based in Oxfordshire, he works in the John Radcliffe Hospital and with Thames Valley Air Ambulance. He was previously Regimental Medical Officer to the Queen's Royal Lancers. He has undertaken fellowships in critical care, retrieval and pre-hospital medicine. He has deployed to Brunei, Iraq, Afghanistan, the United States, Jordan and Oman. He is currently Cadre Emergency Physician for 22 Field Hospital.
1055 - 1115 - Safety first: Run-Hide-Tell
Mr Simon Cartwright - updating
1115 - 1145 - You can save lives: the citizenAID initiative
Brigadier Tim Hodgetts, Co-Founder of West Midlands based citizenAID which aims to help members of the public ‘be prepared not scared’ in the event of a deliberate or terrorist attack. During his talk, Tim will focus on the important role the student/member of the public can play in the event of a deliberate attack, such as empowering the public to save lives before professional help is available.
1145 - 1215 - Hazardous Area Response Team Approach
Jon Harvey - Jon will discuss the role and capability of the Ambulance Service's specialist paramedic teams (HART) who will respond to the incident.
1215 - 1245 - MDU: Good Sam Act / Social Action, Responsibility & Heroism Act 2015
Medical Defence Union speaker - updating
1300 - 1400 - Lunch then the following afternoon sessions:
Session 1 - Saving a life - Using the T-Key
Session 2 - Triage - Managing a scene
Session 3 - Trauma triage / moulage in the field
Session 4 - Setting up a citizenAID society on campus
Close - 1600hrs