citizenAID is a company limited by guarantee (CIO) in England (No 10315303) and a charity, registered in England & Wales (No 1176033).
e-Learning - citizenAID
citizenAID system - now available on e-learning
NEWS - citizenAID are delighted to announce the launch of a collaborative partnership with ProTrainings Europe who have developed an e-learning package around the citizenAID system.
Andy Thurgood chairman and co-founder of citizenAID said,''...this is an exciting development for citizenAID and complements other areas of educational activity that the charity has undertaken in the past. Clearly being able to deliver material in this manner opens up the opportunities significantly to those who wish to access training in the e-Learning manner.
If you wish to know more about this development then follow the link here

citizenAID e-learning
This development has also generated a great deal of interest within communities and we are seeing an increased uptake of this opportunity offered by this e-learning platform. We are extremely excited with this development and hope to see it roll out across the country in the very near future.